Building Management

Manage your modern space to create a safer, more pleasant and efficient building environment.

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Smarter Buildings

Make your building more intelligent

Improve operational efficiency and ensure the safety of occupants by leveraging Respory's anonymous monitoring technology.

Industry Building management

Innovative Use Cases

We unlock the potential of your building with movement data

We've got answers

Frequently asked questions

Everything you need to know about how our solution works.

Our system activates in case of an emergency and shows fire fighters the where people are still moving within the building to speed up evacuation.
Our sensors monitor occupancy levels. The system can then automatically adjust heating, cooling, and lighting, ensuring that energy is only used when and where it’s needed,
Our technology tracks the usage of flexible desks and common areas, helping you to allocate cleaning services more efficiently for instance.

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Unlock a new dimension of data-driven insights and stay ahead in the competitive market.