
Use our store assistant to gain a competitive advantage and understand your customers as deeply as online retailers do.

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Data-driven Efficiency

Boost the productivity of your store

Save time and boost store efficiency by gaining complete insights into your sales area—without any extra effort.

Industry Retail

Innovative Use Cases

We unlock the potential of retail with movement data

Replace outdated methods with precise data on your customers' journeys, giving you actionable insights to drive success.

We've got answers

Frequently asked questions

Everything you need to know about how our solution works.

Respory offers the only solution that is fully GDPR-compliant and does not capture personalised data in any step of the process. It is also more cost-effective and requires minimal maintenance.
Respory’s sensors are easy to install in power rails or within suspended ceilings, requiring no infrastructure changes. They scale effortlessly to an infinitely large area without extra hardware needs.
We provide actionable insights and recommendations based on customer behaviour via our dashboard or directly to your tools via our API.

Let's talk

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Unlock a new dimension of data-driven insights and stay ahead in the competitive market.